Want More Joy?
JoyFlow Programs: Joy is the felt sensation of our inner light
These programs are for you because you care deeply about the planet, your community and family and want your own light to make a difference in the world.
Just like every lit window on earth can be seen from space, so can your joy become a bright light that illuminates joy for your loved ones and those you work for/with.
You will experience that light as a deep, inner quiet, calm or peace: JOY!
Here is what is available to you from JoyFlow Programs
- People will be drawn to you – your congruent, positive energy will have a magnetic attraction
- Your relationships will be more harmonious
- Trust in yourself; less reliance on others and therefore more choices
- Physical: flexibility, comfort and vitality
- Emotional: more resilience, happier
- Mental: clarity
- Spiritual: Increased connection to life’s mystery and living your life’s purpose
- Improve work productivity
- Increase creativity
- More willing to ALLOW life’s possibilities, challenges and gifts
- What you desire will come to you more easily because saying yes to your self is the same as saying yes to life and its mysteries.
Free JOYFlow Consultation
What is Your Joy Set Point?
Discover how you can be more empowered, successful and joyful in this free phone consultation with Call to Joy founder, Sally Churgel. Learn steps you can take now to deepen your connection to loved ones and yourself.
The Four Joys |
Brain Joy |
Body Joy |
Heart Joy |
Soul Joy |
JoyFlow Programs |
Joy Advantage |
JoyFlow Breakthrough |
JoyFlow in 90 Days |
JoyFlow Life |
What makes Call to Joy programs so u
These programs are founded on the belief that all our struggles can be accessed through our body. JoyFlow programs will free the core blockages held in your body, as well as, your beliefs.
The following areas are addressed continually and throughout the program.
- Brain – The latest proven scientific methodology to rewire your brain.
- Body – Unlock and release stuck patterns held in your body from earlier hurts and traumas.
- Heart – Access the four chambers of the heart for more internal awareness and peace.
- Soul – Increase your ability to listen and trust the messages you receive from your soul.
JoyFlow Programs
JoyFlow system is a unique system developed over 20 years of intensive personal discovery, reflection and work with hundreds of individuals.
These transformational tools will connect you to your heart, rewire your brain and align your body so that your beliefs, feelings and spirit can become aligned for more self-acceptance, physical well-being, greater self-love and harmonious relationships.
Some of the tools used:
- Movement and brain states to access different states of consciousness
- Learn your brains wiring and how to change it
- one-to-one hands-on
- phone coaching/distance healing
- classes in person and group teleseminars
- Audio and self-directed learning
My wish is to awaken you to your own illumination so you can also access and spread joy.
Most of all, I want you to take the short path to joy. I want for you to have the tools so you can share YOUR gifts with the world.
Our Joyful Guarantee
All programs begin with a private session (in person or via electronic media) before the remainder of the package is paid. Together we will assess if we are a match and which program is optimal for you. If you feel complete after this first session, there will be no further payments solicited.
The Joy Advantage
A great introduction to JoyFlow programs.
This package of six sessions (in person or via electronic media) will allow you to make strides in reducing stress and connecting to joy. For those who want to move into longer JoyFlow programs a discount is offered for longer programs for those that opt to start here.
JoyFlow Breakthrough
One-day private intensive that quickly jumpstarts your desired outcomes.
These one day private intensives will boost and enhance the specific change in your life you desire the most. Move through the blocks to living fully in your joy, letting go of the past and/or moving forward. Get yourself unstuck, lower anxiety and energize your impetus to move forward again.
- Integrated Awareness® table session (link to section joy powered tools IA) to clear blocks, calm and rewire brain pathways to ensure the changes will continue long after the Breakthrough day
- Exploration through movement that is designed specifically for you in order to address your unique desires, situation and holding patterns
- Journaling, art, writing and/or other creative expressions to capture some of your own insights during the day
- 2 hours of calls: One call prior to the intensive for preparation and one call within 2 weeks post session for follow-up
- Also included
- Healthy lunch with your food preferences taken into account
- Beautiful bound journal to take with you to continue your process
Location in Santa Rosa, CA (6 ½ hours, meal included) – can be arranged online or in your home (for possible additional fees depending on your location).
These intensives are also the first step in all the JoyFlow programs. If after the day you want to continue on with a JoyFlow program, the price of the day will be deducted from the longer program fee.
JoyFlow in 90 days
This Program will turn on the switch for joy to flow!
You will find flow in at least one crucial area of your life that will impact all aspects of your life. Includes Part 1 and 2 of JoyFlow life.
What you can expect of this powerful journey:
- Begins with a JoyFlow Breakthrough day
- Three sessions (one per month) – tablet or phone/Skype/etc.
- One community call with other program attendees (1 hour) per month
- Three laser phone calls a month (30 mins each) for 3 months
- Bonus: Vibrational Potential healing session
JoyFlow Life (6 month program)
An advanced program designed for those of you who seriously want Joy as a daily experience!
You are ready. This is it!
Catapult yourself to the deepest level of Joy. Joy and happiness can be accessible all the time even in the midst of loss and major life changes and excessive stress.
During the six months you will learn new tools, release long held beliefs and bypass the denial mechanisms that have kept contentment at bay. You are likely to experience a myriad of opportunities to learn how to ride the waves of old patterns and challenges and practice accessing the JoyFlow beneath until joy becomes your new habit.
Six months includes:
- The JoyFlow in 90 days program
- Two JoyFlow Breakthrough days –
- one to start the program
- one near the end of the 6 months
- In Santa Rosa, CA (6 hours, meals included) – can be arranged online (or in your home for possible additional fees depending on your location).
- Three 30 minute private transformational calls/month for 6 months
- These can be substituted for one private 90 minute hands-on session (depending on location)
- Free inclusion in any teleseminars that are offered
- Bonuses
The JoyFlow Life Program includes these essential elements for joy, as well, as covering the Four Joys.
Part 1: Acceptance
- Love the One You’re With – that’s you!
- Love the Other
- Love the One (connecting more deeply to the mystery of life)
Part 2: Rewire your brain for a higher joy set point
Part 3: Forgiveness – Yourself for your mistakes, others for their humanity
Part 4: Claim your birthright: Joy